unlock your full potential through support and make a profound impact
Join our focused community in the Black Women Travel Mastermind, a virtual, private group for Black women travelers and entrepreneurs. We understand your challenges and work together to overcome them!
We have one more cohort this year where we alternate our time spent together between group coaching and co-working (working online together).

It’s a graduation! AND get a taste of what it’s like inside the Mastermind!
Let’s celebrate the hard work of Rachel, Sylvia, Britney, and Devin from the Spring cohort, and Lequita, Stacyann, and Hope from the Winter cohort.
In addition to the celebration, we’ll participate in a mini-Mastermind, but with a twist!
You’ll be paired up one-on-one in a guided conversation about your current challenges/concerns and offer each other insight.
Come party and get the support you’ve been looking for!
We’ll look for you at 1pm Eastern on Sunday, June 4th.
Sign up for the newsletter for the link to attend!
Let Me Guess
You want to:
💜 feel more confident and free
💜 make progress in your Big Plan™ to craft a work and travel life that meets your specific needs
💜 get to the heart of your work
💜 participate in a small, trusted circle of sisters
💜 desire emotional support, accountability, and constructive feedback from other like-minded women
Join us for a cohort in 2023:
Winter Cohort ・ Saturday, January 7th – Saturday, March 7th, 2023Spring Cohort ・ Saturday, April 1st – Saturday, June 3rd, 2023
Summer Cohort ・ Saturday, July 15th – Saturday, September 16th, 2023
The mastermind is designed so that we have time to identify core areas for improvement, and then spend time implementing solutions.
You’ll be able to connect with other ambitious women and receive personalized coaching to help you achieve your goals.
Our mastermind is a safe and supportive space for you to share your dreams and receive the guidance and support you need to make them a reality.
We’ll also have a bit of time off in between cohorts so there’s plenty of time for reflection, rest, and integration of solutions.
For a payment plan, reach out to me at blackwomentravl at gmail.com.

You don’t have to figure out your work/travel life alone anymore. You also don’t have to feel alone or isolated as you navigate the challenges of creating an online income.
Listen, this journey is tough. If you’ve even tried to start figuring out how to travel full or part-time and have been trying to figure out how to make money, then you get it.
We all do in our group. That’s what makes our mastermind so powerful.
You get to:
💜 focus and take motivated, right actions (bye procrastination!)
💜 get real-time feedback and work through perceived boundaries
💜 avoid burnout
💜 create your business your way and ditch the “hustle” mentality, or swapping one rat race for another

Join us!
The investment for each cohort is $349. Payment plans available upon request.
Secure your seat now!

Saturday, January 7th – Saturday, March 7th, 2023

Saturday, April 1st – Saturday, June 3rd, 2023

Saturday, July 15th – Saturday, September 16th, 2023
For a payment plan, reach out to me at blackwomentravl at gmail.com. At three months, get the support you need for less than $120/month.
Congratulations to Our 2022 Graduates! We’re so proud of you!

Real women with a real desire to live life on their terms. Each has a tender story and has dedicated herself to bringing her dreams to life.
Thank you for showing up for yourselves Stacyann, Francine, Kathy, Quin, Galemarie, Nanee, Toya, Kellee, Dorothy, Paula, Joyce, Janet, Teresa, Nadia, Cheryl, and Lequita.

The mastermind is a chance for you to center yourself and your desires. You’ll gain clarity, strategy, and benefit from a supportive group of like-minded ladies.
In speaking with the attendees of the Black Women Travel Mastermind, we talked about how our time together helped to instill confidence in them. I’ve realized that you can have all of the strategy, systems, and processes in the world, but if you’re not confident, you simply won’t implement them.

You don’t have to have a business in place already to participate!
We’ll meet every week. Twice a month you’ll have coaching, and twice a month you’ll have co-working to put your self-realizations into action.
That looks like:
Week 1-Coaching
Week 2-Co-working
Week 3-Coaching
Week 4-Co-working
You’ll have plenty of time to receive the support you need and then go out there in the world and live your new discoveries and commitments decision by decision, day by day.
But Wanda, are Black women of every age really out here traveling as they wish and creating an online income.
Girl, YES!
💜 Do you want to start an online business but aren’t sure where to start?
💜 Are you having a hard time putting the knowledge you have into action consistently?
💜 Are you wanting to create a lifestyle that has you traveling at your own pace and earning money in a way that feels good to you?
If you’re looking for support to help you get into alignment and integrate the new you that is unfolding, we’re the group for you!
For a payment plan, reach out to me at blackwomentravl at gmail.com.

Check Out Some of Our Masterminders!

Meet Stacyann!
Stacyann Forrester As a professional astrologer, I specialize in helping women gain clarity, healing, and growth so that they can create an impact in the world, doing work they love.
Whether you want to experience greater freedom, a thriving career, or healthy relationships, by affirming your authentic self, you finally dare to make empowered decisions about the kind of life you want to lead. I’ve worked professionally in health, communications, and international development for over 10 years.
All in the service of making meaningful changes that impact people’s lives. I hold a certificate from the Mayo School of Astrology in the UK, a bachelor’s degree in nutritional sciences from Cornell University, and a master’s in biomedical sciences from the University of California, San Francisco.
When not communing with the stars, you can find me exploring all things integrative health and healing, baking up some treats, walking in nature, or dancing out all the feels.

Meet Dorothy!
Dorothy Attakora-Gyan is a Canadian-based Storyteller, Writer, and Shame Researcher who advocates for Holistic, Complementary, and Integrative Mental Health.
Daughter of the Akan and Asante by birth, she affects and is affected for a living, feel-healing and theorizing trauma and other difficult emotions so you don’t have to, specializing in the study of shame research.
As a neurodivergent and highly sensitive womanist, she works with other conduits who occupy the liminal space between social science theory and spiritual practice.
Website: https://www.deearchives.com
Blog: https://www.deearchives.com/blog
Soundcloud: https://soundcloud.com/user-863252590
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dorothy-attakora-gyan-14016740/?originalSubdomain=ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dee_archives/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnDzk-QQRXl1zoUpGUdnlFA
Support/Donations: paypal.me/DeeArchives

Meet Kathy!
Kathy Hampton is the Founder of Wellside Retreats, a transformational destination retreat and life coaching service. As a certified Life Coach, Kathy helps women move through pivotal and transformative points in their lives and toward what is essential and will serve them well.
Also part of her new digital and nomadic lifestyle, Kathy is an independent consultant providing research and information analytics in the area of legal, small business administration and entrepreneurial compliance.
She enjoys writing, photography, great food and new places with positive vibes. Kathy appreciates art, a great sunrise and stimulating conversations.
Find more information about Kathy on her:
Website: https://www.wellsideretreats.care/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wellsideretreats/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kathy-a-hampton-b6115414/

Meet Joyce!
Joyce is a certified coach, expat concierge, and tour operator that wants you to live your best life!
She coaches single, sassy, female baby boomers because it is never too late. Through shared experiences, she partners with retired and or retiring boomers to live a BETTER life for LESS abroad.