In order to find your tribe, you’ve got to chat with them, so let’s meet up Sunday, May 29th at 1pm Eastern!
This is gonna be a fun, structured way for you to connect with other members of the group and feed your need for community, learning, and fulfilling your goals of working online and traveling as you wish.
To best connect, we’re keeping the group small, so make sure you secure your spot!
This event is free for Black Women Travel members. If you’re not a part of the Nomad Crew Collective, join here patreon.com/blackwomentravel.
Otherwise, join us for $10. Make your payment through the button below or Paypal- paypal.me/ashalbh
After I receive the bucks, I’ll email you the link.
Can’t wait to see you on the inside!

Join us every Thursday at noon Eastern for a casual conversation with real-life therapists and social workers from our community. Bring a snack and your questions.

All work and no play . . . Let’s get together and watch some TV, talk mess, and vibe. No cameras involved, and no pressure to be an expert on the show, just come through and chill with us for a couple of hours on Saturday.
Hit me up on Instagram for the watch link! Instagram.com/bwtpod

It’s been a minute! Let’s catch up and I’d love to hear about what you’ve had going on since December.
I’ll see you Sunday, March 20th at 12pm Eastern. Join on YouTube- https://youtu.be/Tej6DSyBmDE
Add this event to your calendar
The International Black Women Travel Jubilee was ALL THAT!!!
You can still Catch the Replay! Blackwomentravl.com/ibwtj.
Listen in on this chat with Yvonne who attended the 1st! IBWTJ in 2020.
How to Start Traveling and Working Online | Black Women Travl Open House
Where you gonna live, girl? What will you do for money? Will there be a community/support system? Will you experience racism? What about visas? Let’s talk about all of that and more sis. Join me for the Black Women Travl Open House and let’s start at square one to answer some of the questions you may have about how to move forward in your online work and travel vision.
The International Black Women Travel Jubilee was ALL THAT!!!
You can still Catch the Replay! Blackwomentravl.com/ibwtj.
Listen in on this chat with Errol who attended the 1st! IBWTJ in 2020.
*However you identify* we are loooonng overdue for a #BlockParty. I’d love to virtually connect with you in the innanet streets to celebrate us! Black Women Travl includes our free Facebook group, a weekly podcast, and an annual conference. None of it would exist without you and I don’t thank you enough for your support. Let’s pause to celebrate so many wins that have happened recently with your help. So please join me on Saturday, October 23rd at noon Eastern to vibe to all this love. Bring your favorite drink, and if you want to come on camera with me, email me and I’ll send you a link askbwtpod at gmail dot com.
How I traveled on $10/day for three years, and how you can too. But! You have to know what kind of traveler you are! Peep the next installment of the Wanda show to find out how I traveled for two years off of $10/day.
It’s tough being different. I think as Black women and travelers we’re even a little further from a lot of cultures’ ideas of what’s normal. Most of us have even sought out a crew so that we have that sense of belonging. That’s great, but let’s talk about how embracing being different, holding space for our strange magic is often the key to living a fulfilled life.
-Some countries have told American passport holders to stay out!
-Viet Nam and Malaysia asked tourist visa holders to leave.
-Malaysia changed their retirement program, increasing the amount of money anyone wanting to retire has to have as income.
-Online English teachers went through a huge shuffle if they worked for Chinese companies who decided they didn’t want foreigners anymore.
As a traveler, particularly in the last couple of years, we’re feeling more than ever exactly how we’re guests of our host countries and how we need to have diverse streams of income. Join me Saturday at 11am Eastern to talk about staying flexible in your travel and online business journey.
This was so much fun!
You can still catch the #replay and ask anything you want to know about wellness, travel, and entrepreneurship 😘
I love connecting with ya’ll and want to offer support where you need it the most. So let’s connect 🤍!
This was recorded live, and you can still catch it here and leave a question/comment if you’re moved and let’s talk about it!
But your friends and family aren’t your target market!!!
Girl, it takes literally 2 seconds to like, share, save, send it to your stories etc . . .
There’s another reason why your friends and family aren’t supporting you in your travels and online business. Let’s chat about it yeah?
Maybe you’re taking action to become an expat and move abroad, or to create an income stream to help support your travels. Often why we have trouble moving forward is because we haven’t done the prep work to empower ourselves to receive the stuff we say we want. This is bigger than just your mindset. This is all about your heart and how you feel about yourself that lets you move and gain momentum or not.
Community for Black women as travelers, expats, immigrants, and digital nomads is so important! Let’s talk about how to create community whether for your personal or professional needs.
Whether you were affirmed growing up or not, there’s a part inside of you that you think is cracked.
Something you don’t accept about yourself, something you’re not comfortable with and believe needs to change in order for you to really like yourself. Then the insecurities, doubts, and fears start driving your life through that crack, and you find your true self shrinking back. Quieting down. Thinking you’re not worthy, that you’re not enough, that you need something outside of yourself to make yourself whole.
This was recorded live, and you can still catch it here and leave a comment if you’re moved and let’s talk about the idea that the only true travel we experience is traveling towards or away from ourselves.
How do you make money from your skills? How do you create a product or a service from what you already know? How do you market and sell your product or service? As a digital nomad, creating something you can sell so you can be location-independent and work online is crucial to your journey. So Let’s discuss!
The work it takes to build a brand.
If you don’t know me, I’m all about the nuance of LIVING. So let’s chop it up!!!
This was recorded live, and you can still catch it here https://youtu.be/gsfjGHuRBgE.
Travel is great, and often money comes up in Black women’s minds when thinking about taking a vacation, making a blaxit, going on a sabbatical, and traveling long-term. So let’s talk about it!
If you missed this like joint, no worries, you can still check it out and ask any questions you may have in the comments. I go into detail about my move from Malaysia to Albania
This was recorded live, and you can still watch here.
Past Events

Have you missed our events this year?
Let’s fix that.
How long are you going to lurk in the shadows, sis? How long are you going to do without or rock with spaces that don’t speak to your specific needs as a Black woman traveler and entrepreneur?
Come meet and mingle in our safe space and feed your need for like-minded ladies who are working to reach their travel, wellness, and online business goals.
In one day, you get to sample the best of what this community has to offer at our Open House on Sunday, November 21st.
Join us to:
- Mix–
One of our special mixers where you get to meet fellow travel lovers. - Learn–
How to Start Traveling and Working Online - Relax–
Let’s relax, relate, and release with a Virtual Watch Party!

In order to find your tribe, you’ve got to chat with them, so let’s meet up Sunday, October 17th at 2pm Eastern.
This is gonna be a fun, structured way for you to connect with other members of the group and feed your need for community, learning, and fulfilling your goals of working online and traveling as you wish.
To best connect, we’re keeping the group small, so make sure you secure your spot!
This event is free for Black Women Travel Patreon members. If you’re not a part of the Official Nomad Crew, join here patreon.com/blackwomentravel.
You can pay here, or through PayPal paypal.me/ashalbh.
After I receive the bucks, I’ll email you the meeting link.
Can’t wait to see you on the inside!

We spend so much time online, but are you posting, (or harassing yourself about not posting enough), on the right platforms?
So join us 1pm Eastern Sunday, August 22nd and let’s talk about-
💻 what is digital marketing,
⏲️ where you need to spend your time and
📸 what kind of content you need to create in order to do this thing the easiest and best way for you!

We can’t close out July without linking!
Part of the joy of community is getting to know each other in a relaxed, fun environment.
This event is free and open to all Black Women Digital Nomad Entrepreneurs members, so come through camera-ready.
I’ll do maybe one more free event this year, so don’t miss out if you’ve been curious!
I send out a weekly email with a centering idea to help you to reclaim more of yourself from the world.
Sign up here!
Ya Girl!
If you enjoy my work, you may like to join the Offical Nomad Crew and financially support on Patreon. There I have levels starting at just $3/month that give you access to curated opportunities and intimate access to the knowledge that’s going to help you travel better, longer, and make money online.
If a monthly membership is not for you right now, consider donating via Ko-fi, Buy Me a Coffee, or Paypal.