Black Women Travel Awards!!!

Please nominate yourself or someone else you think would be a great recipient of the awards this year. Also, please suggest another category if you see something missing!

Email is Cute, Texting is a Little Bit Better

Here’s a free service you can use to stay in touch with your community. It sends out mass texts to whoever is on your list, then they’re able to text only you back directly.  They say that text open rates are even higher than email open rates.  If you try it out, let us know!

Patron Communication

How can we best keep in touch? I’ve been thinking about where we can have a space just for ourselves, and would love your input! We could have an Instagram group chat, a WhatsApp/Telegram group, or if you’re open to another software, Discord has a chat option. I thought with a group message, it’d be… Continue reading Patron Communication

September Monthly Meetup

Hey loves, here’s the link for our meetup on Sunday. This will be recorded so if you have to leave early or can’t make it, you’ll be able to access it later.  You get to learn from the OG travel marketer, Jamie-Lee Abtar. Join us on Sunday, September 19th at 2pm Eastern! In this… Continue reading September Monthly Meetup

Speak at WITS

Attending conferences are great, speaking at conferences are lit! Apply today!