She’s Here #IBWTJ21✈️

I’ve been sick and sitting on such good news!  

The International Black Women Travel Jubilee is taking place on Saturday and Sunday, December 4th and 5th.

Tickets went on sale today, and because you’re a part of the Official Nomad Crew, as always you get first dibs.

There are only two tickets types:  
1. Access to live workshops
2. Live workshops + 3 months of the Black Women Travel Mastermind  

I have some discounts for you!
Because you’re crew, I’d love to invite you *and one friend* to 50% off of live workshop tickets using code OFFICIAL.

And if you’re interested in the workshops plus the mastermind, yourself *and one friend* get 20% off using code CREW.

The live workshops are going to be fresh and give you that holistic, nuanced perspective on travel, wellness, and entrepreneurship.

The mastermind is going to help take you from theory to practice. Take you from cloudy, meandering through the wilderness, to clear goals, and actions that lead you to the life of freedom, and self-expression you’ve been craving.

See you there?

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